Current Classes (University of Virginia):
Spring 2022: Math 2310 Calculus III.
Spring 2022: Math 8710 Lie Algebra. Previous Courses (University of Virginia):
Spring 2021: Math 8559 Introdcution to Categorification.
Fall 2020: Math 8710 Lie Algebras (course information on Collab).
Spring 2020: Math 2310 Calculus III.
Fall 2019: Math 4651 Advanced Linear Algebra. Previous Courses (Caltech):
Winter 2019: Math 151b Algebraic and Differential Topology.
Winter 2019: Math 128 Homological Algebra.
Winter 2018: Math 151b Algebraic and Differential Topology.
Fall 2017: Math 191a Introduction to Categorification. Previous Courses (Yale) :
Spring 2017: Math 235 Reflection Groups.
Spring 2017: Math 560 Geometric Representation Theory.
Fall 2016: Math 225 Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory.
Spring 2016: Math 225 Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory.
Spring 2016: Math 381/501 Modern Algebra II.
Fall 2015: Math 650 Introduction to Categorification.
Spring 2015: Math 120 Multivariable Calculus.
Fall 2014: Math 225 Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory. Previous Courses (UC Berkeley) :
Spring 2014: Math 185 Introduction to Complex Analysis.
Fall 2013: Math H1b Honors Calculus.
Fall 2013: Math 113 Introduction to Abstract Algebra. Previous Courses (Columbia) :
Spring 2013: TA for Lie Groups and Representation Theory (Andrei Okounkov).
Fall 2012: TA for Lie Groups and Representation Theory (Valerio Toledano Laredo).
Spring 2012: College Algebra and Analytic Geometry.
Fall 2011:TA for the graduate topic course on Categorification (Mikhail Khovanov).
Spring 2011: TA for the graduate course Lie Groups and Representation Theory (Andrei Okounkov).
Last Updated 01/09/2022
by You Qi.